Know & Use Your Living Divine Blueprint–God's Gift to Everyone.

Welcome “New God’s” Rule on Earth August 2011, Part I of II

As reported earlier, our beloved aspect of the Divine Creator known as God, or “The Ancient of Days” in Biblical terminology, has fulfilled His / Her Earthly mission.

For uncountable eons, God has nurtured us humans as part of the many destinies and purposes of Planet Earth. He has loyally shepherded us through the worst circumstances that our small minds could create.

He has ceaselessly used His Creative Will to allow us the lower dimensional experiences we sought through our human physical bodies–but as a series of ever-ascending spiritual lessons.

He has allowed our free will selves–despite our dim denials of our intrinsic soulhood–to roam and explore as they might.

He knew this stress would inevitably stimulate our natural desire to realign with His Natural Wisdom, just as the air in a balloon pulled deeper underwater increasingly desires a way to rise into the freedom of life above the water’s surface.

Throughout our travails, a part of Him our God has always suffered with us as we suffered.

Listened eagerly for signs of our desire to know Him. Fanned with Infinite Wisdom every hopeful soul’s flame in every blinding night.

Lifted and guided us, with sheer Love, from many a man-made crisis. Guided us from pathways of evil as much as our ignorance would allow.


Because that’s what a loving, all-wise God does. Especially for His children–those beings composed of His Divine Seed.

His Wisdom Path of creating, guiding, motivating and teaching us–of grading, rewarding and disciplining us, as necessary–throughout our many cycles of lives has evolved as overall conditions warranted.

To explain:

You as God don’t BLAME or punish your third graders because they haven’t yet acquired the skills or understanding of fourth, fifth or tenth graders. You treat them with loving firm respect with the best teachers for their own particular level.

You surely don’t blink in the face of their childish anger or lose your composure in their times of confusion. You don’t let them run wild in their school. You don’t let them take over the city government or the family finances or the police station.

You honor their progress. You note each unique strength and weakness displayed in order to integrate it into their lessons, by use of your Grand Lesson Plan.

You provide tutor and discipline for each student, as necessary. You’re eager for them to experiment, with greater competence, at each new level of adventurous possibility you’ve prepared.

You tailor their lessons, and consequences to motivate them, according to the student’s and the classes’ developed capacity to learn at that level.

You continually immerse them in whatever full curriculum is necessary to guide them into adulthood. You celebrate every passing subject with them. You support them through inevitable back-sliding and failures, knowing that’s just part of the path.

But however flexible you are, you also tend to establish time lines, or deadlines, for certain sets of lessons to be conquered by each student and class. This living parent-teacher-student relationship progresses as naturally and vitally as the seasons.

As God, your Grand Plan, your prepared series of studies, has constantly evolved over time–ever since the ancient beginnings of all teaching and all learning.

You have endlessly evolved CODES of training through freedom and its consequences to guide your students’ maturation. These Divine Codes also serve to maintain the wellness of their fellow creatures, surroundings, and planets through those growing pains.

On the galaxy-wide scale, you apply–with constant two-way input from all other teachers, schools, neighborhoods, families, courts, judges, theorists, scientists, psychologists, students, graduates, etc.–DIVINE CODE RULE NUMBER ONE’s principles to meet the specific needs created by consequences of the behavior of the many unique human races you nurture.

In brief:

You want them to harness their will to succeed at every necessary level, in every necessary way, so they can graduate from high school.

Just as a grade school has one administrator, a high school another, and a college yet another, so during the ages of mankind upon Earth the holy office of GOD has had different All-Loving Administrators, as described.

This August 2011, God, or for convenience of identification “Old God”, completes turning over command to the incoming aspect of the Divine Creator known as “The Youth of Ages”, or “New God”.

The title “New God” emphasizes His impending revolutionary transformations of human reality.

Why has He come?

Find out more in Part Two!

–The Crystalline Ones, Hierarchy for the New Age of Mankind’s Entrance into God’s Blessings

Copyright “Signet” 2011

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Angels Hold Infinite Hope for Mankind’s Spiritual Future, Part I of II


Dear Aspiring Human,

Imagine gigantic peaceful, undetectable “spacecraft” that encircle Earth at this very moment. They support mankind’s survival and spiritual evolution through an intense 2-way communication:

They connect the higher dimensions of the human “game colonies energies” centered into these “flying supercomputers”, taking shape in relation to the Earth’s surface future about to take place, with the Earth’s population that’s about to destine themselves into new levels of their human spiritual games.

(For more details, see the paragraphs immediately following your Pure Goals Prayer & the footnote at the 2011-12 Update’s end. Also, see this Divine Supercomputer article.)

You are peeking at a fascinating exchange process. Or shall we say, at stupendous interactive highways!

What are these game colonies focused upon?

Simple. What does every team focus upon?

Their scores! Winning! In this case, winning the spiritual & evolutionary games God & His supporting crew invited mankind to start playing long, long before the dawn of history.

See these game colonies—like robotized, omni-dimensional colonies floating in space—they appear metallic to your uneducated eye—they are scenes of concentration upon completion of game scores.

Night and day, unbroken streams of energies pour in from humanity—centered on their “reality-hydraulics scenes / chambers. These spacecraft provide access to centers of emotional interest for mankind—evolving study.

Angels now tell us:

Evolution is an unpredictable event. Human unkindness has warped the Earth’s recent destiny to an unpredictable degree.

Reverting back to the mean (of higher civilization already enjoyed by many of our “space neighbors”)—is an uncertain process of progress, but inevitably, progress nonetheless.

We hold unlimited hope for mankind’s spiritual future–not just because so many extraterrestrial civilizations (from your Earthly point of view)  like ours have joined to follow God’s desire to develop new means to help humans avert crisis.

To help you imagine these complex spiritual realities, picture:

(1) exploratory vessels sailing to the very edge of the world’s discoverable seas–and beyond;

(2) Hoover Dam being refilled to the top with evidence of mankind’s spiritual good, about to be poured out like unlimited refreshed waters upon the parched landscape of America & our world.

A dynamic statement of fact for you:

“We humans possess infinite exploratory urge, as well as the will to do good, the urge to win our souls. Yet this concept is a bit backwards.


Because our souls seek to win us back; we do not seek to win our souls back. This explains many confusions of our human history.

We are awkward heroes.

Ask yourself:

Does the tiny rivulet, wandering along the desert’s edge, seek to win back the ocean? Or does that ocean in fact await the greater good brought on by the rivulet’s return?

Does either one matter to the other? What does that trickle of water have in common relationship with the mighty ocean’s roar?

That rivulet shall never roar like any ocean, except to the wondering “ears” of any tiny insects by its side when it temporarily bloats with spring rains.

As well, that ocean’s roar shall never be silenced by the rivulet’s absence, nor be much enhanced even should its feeble fingers reach the ocean’s shore.

What, at heart, does either “stream”, from the mightiest to the tiniest, have to do with one another?

Shall the ocean silence all rivulets? Claim all these waters for itself, never again to share the liquid wealth with any other body of water?

Shall the rivulet, with its pristine glory of muddy bottom brought on by these rains—perhaps stolen into clouds from the mighty sea’s ignorant moments while it stormed & tossed its waves about in self absorption—shall this rivulet forever wander on its own like a lost tribe?

Never gaining much, or losing much, as it treks foreign sands in search of what? Itself? More of a watery destiny? Or the fate of dissolution into sunny ether at the hot desert’s edge?

What values might these two bodies, seemingly opposed in their disparate (separate) destinies, have to do with one another in the common future of mankind?

(Continued in “Angels Hold Infinite Hope for Mankind’s Spiritual Future, Part II“)

We bless you.

–The Crystalline Ones

Copyright “Signet” 2011

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