Why has New God come?
Because we humans are rightly judged as prepared for a new, higher round of more intensive education in our Return To Reality. Our projected Return, step-by-step, includes our shift into the grace of universal harmony with our neighboring worlds’ sentient beings. Our neighbors are peacefully united under The Forces of Light. Luckily for us, part of their own lessons under The Divine Codes include protecting us humans from Earthly self destruction by toxifying and bludgeoning ourselves into complete insensibility. To our diligent neighbors we owe the greatest of gratitude. We simply would not exist on Earth today without their wise caring efforts! Since their efforts are limited to what they’re allowed under our regimen of free will experimentation, they strongly suggest: As individuals and groups, we must call upon our Divine Creator for these Forces of God’s Light to permeate our Earthly lives with their noble essence. “Heavenly Creator, Progenitor Father-Mother God, “We ask You today to bless those unifying Forces of Light whose sole purpose here is our well being and advance. We ask that You give them full and complete permission to do all necessary good for the well being of humanity and Mother Earth. “We ask that You grant them the full use of all tools necessary to bring humanity back into complete survival harmony with our environment. We ask that they be empowered to do this in ways completely in harmony with our best spiritual destiny as Your Sons and Daughters upon Earth. “We ask that they guide us by means known and unknown to us, in whatever ways You deem fittest for Your human race upon Earth. We ask that full power and wisdom be granted by You to them, and to us, for all these necessary tasks. “We ask for a joyful peaceful coexistence in harmony with them and all creatures, in the Most Holy Name, Amen. “And so it is.” See that you speak these prayers as willing and glad, trusting children of your Divine Creator who watches over all, the good and the bad, for reconciliation with Him. Please make sure that you grasp this opportunity: Take fuller responsibility to do what good you can do, for yourselves and others, at this stage of your evolution! Empowered, our caring neighbors can increase their help to reduce human suffering and global misery. Will you not trust your Creator and New God enough to ask for this help today? Is your race’s continued existence on Earth not worth this humble request? Can you not glimpse the great possibilities to come from your conscious willing request? Sooner than we imagine, we shall peaceably meet our planetary and dimensional neighbors. What a vastly humbling moment for ourselves, and a gratifying moment for them! When we the children of Earth meet those who have saved our skins from infinite harm, time after unknown time, a great joyful shout will arise from the throats of all humanity: “We have met our neighbors—and they are us!” As our upward educational spiral now quickens, so do our potential challenges, rewards, dangers–and magnificent results. For our one global human family. We invite you to pause, to thank Old God and New God as One: “With full hearts we are grateful for Old God. With glad hearts we welcome New God. We welcome their Divine Will as One. We welcome their new level of Divine Plan for us. “We welcome New Christ Energies, New Buddhic Energies, New Tools for bringing us into experience of God’s Divine Plan. We welcome these Divine Higher Energies bringing more familiar freedom of love for God into each and every religion’s provenance. “We welcome again the infinite blessings of Old God and the infinite blessings of New God into our lives and our world. “We give thanks, again and again and again. Amen.” –The Crystalline Ones, Hierarchy for the New Age of Mankind’s Entrance into the World of God’s Blessings Copyright “Signet” 2011 |
Angels Hold Infinite Hope for Mankind’s Spiritual Future, Part II
July 19, 2011
From the beginning (see Part I here), let us say:
Both of these liquid entities–the tiny rivulet, the massive ocean–are good creatures. That is, they do not seek to do any harm; they seek only self-recognition.
Wherever that body of ocean waters wander as they flee in evaporation up into the clouds, then circulate back down into unsteady embrace of the frog’s tongue, the insect’s antennae, the leaf’s pores—all await fulfillment of their thirsts.
Isn’t this good?
Isn’t this the fate of all waters, wandering alone or in great oceanic tandem–that of fulfilling a thirst?
With no waters, no common basis for life on Earth. With no life—what thirst exists? What can these waters possibly thirst for, with no creatures to drink of them?
What can the rivulets dribbling into the oceans, and the clouds hoisting essence upwards from the oceans, possibly gain by this incessant movement—unless something is also being contained beyond them?
Otherwise, endless wandering, with no purpose but movement itself—what good is this?
What practical level of Creation’s goodness is established in the joint wanderings without purpose—of the oceans of waters, or of the oceans of members of mankind?
What good is possibly done by the exploration without purpose, of anything?
And so, we extrapolate our next question from that:
What good does mankind’s exploration of all his wandering deeds, mingled of an endless evil and good pursuit?
Where, in essence, lies the purpose of this act?
What does the future hold for his intrepid—extraordinary acts, really, of exploration of darkness and good; of regrettable misdeeds as well as of laudable efforts to establish right conduct? Healthy instincts? Fulfilling acts? Self-fulfilling wishes?
What of this painful, grand exploration of all the issues permeating the pulse of any smallest of mankind’s events?
Why these movements? Why these shallow cruelties; why these tender mercies? These wanderings in doubt and these wallowings in kindness?
In sum total, what good does these acts? Where lead these rivers of explorations—into expectations of higher reward? Into any satisfaction of any soul need, any unfulfilled soul purpose?
Last words—what have we to gain, and what have we got to lose—by fulfilling ourselves—by whatever conduct whether later proven by experience or any insight to be of shameful or enlightened nature?
Since we humans are not unthinking, unfeeling, or callous and blighted souls merely grasping at any objects like a blind rivulet grasps roughly at any stick or leaf in its path—what is this higher, as the innermost reason—
What is our most native, natural justification for all our grasping, our releasing, our pouring out and our washing back into ourselves?
What is our goodness in these acts?”
We leave you tonight with these pressing issues.
We suggest this hearty solution, of course:
Repeat your Prayer of Pure Goal Words found in DCR1’s 2011-2012 Update; then sit in silence. Listen as your oceans of answers arise to lap at your consciousness like mankind’s tides of urges now rise to surround the beach of your forgetfulness.
You may bear glad witness to these events:
Mankind’s passage from the dimly lit explorations of purpose filled with pain of envy and doubt, into the greatest waters of soul abundance you (and we) have ever known.
Exploration of consciousness yields sure answers in the form of great rewards.
You are leaping back past your self-punishment game phases in your cycles of existence into a more sure-footed glad growth!
–The Crystalline Ones
Copyright “Signet” 2011